收集台股資料 1.1 - 找台股代號
來源一:TEJ + 今日日期
匯出成 Excel 檔後轉成 CSV
再將 CSV 檔用匯入成 Dataframe
為方便之後使用我將 Dataframe Pickle 起來
TEJ 沒有 API 只能匯出 QQ
import pandas as pd
import os
def getCode(): #確定CSV存在並匯入Dataframe
if os.path.exists('OriginData/List.csv'):
codelist = pd.read_csv('OriginData/List.csv',header=0)
c = codelist['證券代碼']
n = pd.DataFrame({'Code' : []})
for i in c:
i = i.split(" ")
n = n.append({'Code' : [i[0]]},ignore_index=True)
return 1;
else: #
print("Data does not exist!")
return 0;
def readCode(): # 讀取Dataframe
print("Warning: Loading pickled data received from untrusted sources can be unsafe")
if os.path.exists('Data/codelist.pkl'):
codelist = pd.read_pickle('Data/codelist.pkl')
return codelist
print("CodeList does not exist, please try again or check")
getReturnCode = getCode()
if 1 == getReturnCode:
print("CodeList retrieved!")
return readCode()
print("Please make sure Data is in OriginData/List.csv")
return 0;
codelist = readCode()
if isinstance(codelist,pd.DataFrame):
print(codelist['Code'].head()) #印出Dataframe中第一個股票代號
print("Error! Please check you have OriginData/List.csv or Data/codelist.pkl")
Print 結果
Warning: Loading pickled data received from untrusted sources can be unsafe
0 [0050]
1 [0051]
2 [0052]
3 [0053]
4 [0054]
Name: Code, dtype: object